Jumat, 23 Mei 2014

Sertifikat Periode Semester 6

Nama  : Danang Prawibowo
NPM  : 21211707
Kelas  : 3EB08

Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (Tugas 2 - Review)

Nama  : Danang Prawibowo
NPM    : 21211707
Kelas   : 3EB08

  1. The subject you will be studying in this course. (is, are) listed in sylabus.
  2. The profesor & the student (agree, agress) on that point.
  3. Almost every profesor & student at the university (approves, approve) the choice of the new president.
  4. Why (was, were) yoko & alex late for the meeting?
  5. Some of fruit in this bowl (is, are) rosten.
  6. Most of movies (is, are) funny.
  7. Half of this money (is, are)
  8. A lot of clothing in those store (is, are) on sale this week
  9. The number of employee in my company (is, are) approzimately ten thousand
  10. Why (was, were) some of the student excused from the examination?

Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2 (Tugas 1- Review)

Nama        : Danang Prawibowo
NPM          : 21211707
Kelas         : 3EB08

Menganalisis satu soal menurut absensi kelas sesuai yang diperintahkan, yaitu :

9.    The first plant-like organisms probably _____ in the sea, perhaps 3 billion years ago.
(A)  Life
(B)  Living
(C)  Lived
(D) It was living

Alasan :
kata yang hilang adalah verb dan kalimat dalam bentuk lampau karena “years ago”
A. Bukan kalimat past tense
B. Termasuk kalimat present tense
C. Benar karena kata “lived” Past tense
D. Tidak sesuai karena ada kata ganti dan present tense